our membership
Membership to The Circle – First Nations Entrepreneur Hub is inclusive of all South Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned / operated businesses and is free of charge.
This is extended to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals living in South Australia who are looking to create a business or need support in commencing or growing their business or entrepreneurial ideas.
Eligible businesses must be physically located in South Australia, employing at least one South Australian resident.
who is the circle for?
All South Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned / operated businesses.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals living in South Australia who are looking to create a business or need support in commencing or growing their business or entrepreneurial ideas.
Eligible businesses must be physically located in South Australia, employing at least one South Australian resident.
eligibility criteria
- 50% or more Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned; and,
- Is operating as a business in South Australia, including companies, incorporated associations, sole traders, partnerships, trusts and social enterprises or registered charities if they are operating as a business; and,
- Can demonstrate that the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people (owners and/or employees) are involved in the daily operation of the enterprise and have effective control at least equal to the degree of ownership; and,
- Provides economic benefit to South Australian Aboriginal people through ongoing employment in this State;.
The Circle is inclusive of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who reside in South Australia and are actively seeking to establish a business in SA. An individual may be required to present a Commonwealth recognised Declaration of Aboriginality as part of on-boarding process to access The Circle’s services.